Einkorn Bread Machine Recipe

Have you been hearing about Einkorn lately? Maybe you been feeling like gluten is getting you down, but you don’t want to, for the life of you, get rid of bread… and this “einkorn” word has been being passed around lately on your favorite podcasts? I want to introduce you...

paperless kitchen

Make Your Kitchen {Mostly} Paperless

One of the easiest places to decrease paper waste is actually in the kitchen. Follow these 3 simple steps to reducing your footprint in your kitchen

peanut butter and jelly oatmeal

Peanut Butter and Jelly Oatmeal- Get Cozy

Oatmeal is the perfect fall/winter food. It’s warm, it’s creamy, it’s cozy, it nourishes your soul. Uh, it’s quick! Do you need anything more? Maybe flavor…you need flavor. Plain oatmeal is nothing short of bland. Here is a delicious peanut butter and jelly oatmeal recipe that will have you craving...

9 Ways to Connect With Your Partner {With Little Kids}

Connecting with your spouse during the “little kid years” is hard. There seems to be little to no time to talk or remember why you chose eachother in the first place. Here are 9 ways to connect with your spouse when you have little kids.

be a more patient mom

8 Habits to Be a More Patient Mom

Mom guilt and shame spirals are real. As I lay in bed at night, replaying the day’s events over in my mind, more days than not I feel guilty. I imagined myself being so much better at this mom thing than I am in reality! Where is the patient mom...